Club 252

Water to Wine Idea To Do At Home…

Last night, we talked about how Jesus turned water to wine at the wedding in Cana. This was the first miracle Jesus did as He started His ministry. The disciples were new – hadn’t been following Jesus more than a few weeks probably. They had left EVERYTHING: the family business (James & John), their dishonest lifestyles (Matthew), their righteous lifestyles (Nathaniel), etc. But THIS was where Scripture says “Jesus revealed His glory. And His disciples believed Him.” (John 2:11)

As for our own children, right now they follow. Parents, teachers, etc. have told them about God’s glory, but most probably haven’t yet SEEN His glory. Let’s be praying together this week for our children to SEE His glory early on. “Grab their hearts early, Lord! Show Yourself to them in a personal way that they would NEVER think of walking anywhere but by Your sweet side all the days of their lives.”

As a fun review this weekend, here’s a little experiment you could do on Saturday or if we get a snow day this week. *fingers crossed!*

Gather these materials:

– shallow pan
– small bowl
– 1/4 cup liquid dish soap
– 1/2 cup vinegar
– 1 Tablespoon baking soda
– 1 cup water
– food coloring or a packet of red powered drink mix

1) Pour the dish soap & vinegar into the bowl & set it inside the shallow pan.

2) In a separate container, add the baking soda to the water & stir. Sprinkle some of the red drink mix into the water & soda until it turns red like wine.

3) Slowly pour the water mix into the soap & vinegar mix & watch as it erupts into a foaming red volcano!


The chemical reaction that made your cool red volcano was NOTHING compared to Jesus turning water to wine!

4) Use the red foam & a paintbrush to paint the words “Jesus can do anything!” on a sheet of paper.

5) Hang the paper up on the fridge to remind you of Jesus’ first miracle. Be looking for miracles He’s doing in & around YOU this week. Then come back to Club & share so we can ALL be encouraged!

* This family time experience idea was found in the Hands On Bible under John 2. I LOVE this Bible for great tie-in ideas. If your child doesn’t have a Bible they use regularly, you may want to check this one out. It is irresistible! You may find yourself looking at it with your child & getting excited about His Word. ; ]


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